Community benefit a focus for the NAPA AUTO PARTS / ENEOS 150
ROSEVILLE, Calif. (September 28, 2019) – Community has been at the heart of the All American Speedway since its founding and this year’s NAPA AUTO PARTS / ENEOS 150 is no exception.
Two foundations will benefit from the major NASCAR K&N Pro Series, West event on Oct. 12 – the Placer County Breast Cancer Foundation and the California Peace Officers’ Memorial Foundation. $3 from every ticket sold to the race will benefit the Peace Officers’ Memorial, while another portion of the proceeds will benefit the Breast Cancer Foundation. Over $100,000 has been raised in event history under the tutelage of Bill McAnally Racing Promotions for the Breast Cancer Foundation while the Peace Officers’ Memorial is a new benefactor in 2019.
The California Peace Officers’ Memorial Foundation is a nonprofit charitable foundation, whose mission is to recognize and honor California’s peace officers who gave their lives in the line of duty serving the citizens of this great state.
It helps families of fallen officers through support services, financial aid, scholarships for the spouses and children of fallen officers and more. The need is especially great as in 2019 alone, four officers have been killed in the line of duty.
“It’s incredible to have so much support from all of the local and regional NAPA stores and to be part of the special October events including the NASCAR race at All American Speedway,” Foundation President Kevin Mickelson said. “We need to create awareness of what this Foundation does in order to be able to continue supporting the families of fallen officers and this kind of help from NAPA and motorsports fans makes that possible.”
Fundraising will include raffles of donated prizes. Raffle prizes will be displayed around the community, with tickets for sale at major events such as the CruiseFest on Fulton Avenue in Sacramento on Oct. 5. Raffle tickets will also be on sale during the NASCAR K&N Pro Series, West event on Oct 12.
All American Speedway has been an instrumental part in helping grow the Placer Breast Cancer Foundation from raising a $1.5 million endowment to eclipsing $2 million in donations as a foundation. The money raised supports research at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center. The foundation currently works to raise funds to promote education and outreach throughout the area.
PCBF Chair and cancer survivor Carol Garcia, also the former Mayor of Roseville, emphasized the focus on both research and awareness.
“We are so grateful for the support both monetarily, but we also can’t thank Bill McAnally enough for helping us raise awareness,” Garcia said. “I never dreamed that we would get to this point. I can’t believe the support we’ve had. I’m so happy that the community has rallied around this cause.”
Race fans will be able to learn more about the nonprofits at their booths at the event. Each has events year-round in the community that assist with their fundraising goals.
Race tickets are on sale in advance by visiting or visiting the track ticket office at 900 Riverside Blvd in Roseville. The office is open from 9 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday.
General Admission tickets are $35 for adults, $25 for kids ages 6-12, and $30 for Military, First Responders, and Seniors ages 65 and older. Kids five and under are free. A VIP experience is available which includes a free gift, BBQ dinner, VIP pit tour, driver meet and greet, and much more. VIP tickets are $60 for adults and $50 for kids ages 6-12. Gates open at 4pm with the first of the local NASCAR main events starting immediately afterwards.
Additional details are available by calling the track info line at (916) 786-2025. All American Speedway is located at 800 All America City Blvd in Roseville.