Letter To Competitors – COVID-19 Protocol
Dear All American Speedway Competitors,
It was great to get cars back to return to competition August 1st for our first races since November of 2019!
Everyone did an outstanding job following the All American Speedway COVID-19 protocol. It is very important! If we want to continue to have the privilege to compete at All American Speedway, we must follow our protocol, working to do all we can to keep everyone safe and healthy.
This effort takes everyone involved following the All American Speedway COVID-19 protocol to be successful. One area of concern after our August 1st return to racing was social distancing in the Spotters stand. Due to the constrained area, the traditional Spotters stand will be closed.
Effective August 15th, a new Spotters area will be used, consisting of marked seats in the grandstand area under the Race Control booth. Only Spotters and assigned staff members are allowed in this area, with Spotters allowed only 5 minutes before the green flag and while their team is racing. Social Distancing and mask wearing are required.
We all have to work together to follow State and County restrictions to keep everyone safe while enjoying the sport we are all passionate about. Let’s all do our part to keep racing at All American Speedway!
6-foot social distancing
Wear a mask at all times
Wash hands frequently
Stay safe, healthy and help our racing continue at All American Speedway!
Thank you!
Bill McAnally
* All cars must abide by All American Speedway sound rule. *
Strictly enforced!